Thursday, February 5, 2015

Project #15: Search Engines

Here is a list of 8 different search engines. I have tried each of them and included a link and description of what they do and how they would be a good search engine to use in the future.

#1: Wolframalpha
For this search engine I entered the word potato, which brought up the nutrition information and different options of words that could be searched to gather more information. Upon different other searches, I conclude that this search engine is a data based search engine. I would suggest using Wolframalpha to gather technical data.

#2: Bing
For this search engine I entered the word Iraq, which brought up many different news articles on the war in Iraq and other topics being discussed currently on Iraq. I would suggest sing this search engine for any type of information you might need.

#3 Yahoo
For this search engine I entered the words World War 2, which brought up many different documentaries and timelines from the war. For this search engine I would suggest looking up any thing that you might want to see. I found a good amount of information about current events and finances.

For this search engine I entered the words Mardi Gras, which brought up a lot of shopping links. The thing that I found most interesting was on the right hand side of the site shared the most common Q&As on the subject. I would suggest using this search engine when you have a specific question.

#5 Yippy
For this search engine I entered the word Obama, which brought up a lot of news reports about his meetings and policies he has been involved in. The nice thing about this site is on the left hand side of the site are many different topics under which the the searched word is mentioned. This is a great site to search a broad topic and narrow your search down.

#6 DuckDuckGo
For this search engine I entered the words internet tracking, which brought up many different internet monitoring protection softwares. I found this search engine to be helpful with cutting down the clutter like the other different search engines. The straight forward links would be very useful unless you were looking for news articles, which I saw very few.

#7 Dogpile
For this search engine I entered the words Australian shepherds, which brought up many of the same searches that one would find Yahoo and Bing. The one thing that Dogpile has that I have not seen on many of the other sites, which is a white pages tab.

#8 Ixquick
For this search engine I entered the words Gossip Girl, which brought up many different links to websites. The nice thing about this search engine is the fact that it sticks to the words searched and keeps every entry on topic.

Many types of search engines used in present day.

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